Sunday, February 1, 2015

The Fate of Public Education

This week I spent a lot of time reflecting on public education. I am concerned about the students, parents, teachers, administrators, education policy makers, politicians, and the community. I came to the conclusion that the fate of public education is the responsibility of all. If this is the case, how then, do we work together to ensure that every child is successful?

Ever so often we hear of goals being set regarding literacy and numeracy of our children. Yet as the timelines for reaching these goals are being approached the data shows that there is no way these goals will be reached. What went wrong? Were the goals doomed to fail because of lack of participation of all stakeholders? Could the answer lie in implementation? Or a shortage of expertise and resources? Is it fair to say there may be other hidden agendas that will only become exposed in failure? Where are the checks and balances?

The inability to honestly address these concerns will lead to rather critical problems in the future. The fate of public education will require all to act. If we believe that all will be well and do nothing the pending result will be the ultimate failure of our children as we have been witnessing. The manner in which our society responds will indicate what we truly value.

How can I make a difference?

How can you make a difference?

Have a Great Week!


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