Sunday, March 22, 2015

A Teacher's Worth......Priceless!!!

On Friday, we gathered in the conference room to congratulate and say farewell to a fellow member of staff. As I sat there I reminisced on the times that we had together. It was a humbling experience as well as a remarkable learning moment.

The Principal began by sharing his first encounter with the staff member which was followed by multiple recounts by others. It was interesting  to note how many lives this individual had touched including students. One may have thought that the actions recanted were those that would have been publicly recognized but the recollections depicted that small acts of kindness and thoughtfulness are what really matters.  

This was truly powerful! Despite the haste to meet last minute deadlines, mark papers, submit grades, complete reports, write lessons plans, or planning for other activities, let us take time out to appreciate and spend time with others. We may never know how much it may mean to them. Imagine if we all engage in small acts of kindness? Wouldn't our work environment be more pleasant? There would be a feeling of togetherness and harmony despite differences. When this becomes  the norm it will further be transmitted to the students and eventually become entrenched in the culture of the school.

The memories were continued being shared as the room emptied leaving a few adults and students. I was impressed when I heard past students recalling some of the lessons that they have learned while under tutelage as they made real world connections......Priceless! I must confess that I got a few lesson ideas too. If I had to express my experience it would be the following:-

Don't underestimate the effect you have on others. It may make or break them. Be good to everyone including yourself but most of all be genuine!

What will be your acts of kindness?

Enjoy Your Week!


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