Sunday, November 2, 2014

Honesty......Is this always the best Policy?

Are you honest? Is your word good enough? Can honesty be considered as having different shades or stages? Does there exist a clear delineation between honesty and dishonesty?
I had a conversation with an older colleague last week about honesty and some of the things I learnt were shocking. These included "you should never tell all, people are not interested in the truth, if it's not news worthy shelf it, do what is expected and as you are told and lastly never ask questions". If these are the codes of the work place I got the memo late!

Though I understand the need for self preservation and not leaving yourself vulnerable, I strongly believe that by being honest you experience personal growth. This can further lead to a transformation in those around you and eventually the entire community over time. If the above "shocking truths" are adhered to you will have a stagnated environment devoid of vision and creativity which will ultimately result in failure.

The implication is even more detrimental for education. If our main concern is with keeping everyone happy while sweeping the truth under the carpet, the students will be held ransom. In determining whether to be brutally or mildly honest in talking about the issues that affect the community one has to think about the repercussions the tendency will be "business as usual" supporting the unwritten codes.

How then can we bring about a change? Can this be achieved by conforming to the status quo? Is being honest really worth it? Similar to having a difficult conversation, honesty too can be difficult. Honesty, I believe is a strong indicator of a healthy, vibrant school culture. One in which honesty is just not a policy but a way of life.

What do you think?

Have a Great Week!


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