Sunday, September 7, 2014


How was your week? Did it live up to your expectations? How could it have been different?

I had an interesting week. Though excited to be back at school, the reality of the magnitude of work to be done seems overwhelming! During our teachers' conferences, the faculty was asked three simple questions:-
  1. Where are we?
  2. Where should we be?
  3. How do we get there?
These three profound questions invite us to deeply reflect on the current situation that will impact the future based on what we do now.

Amidst getting back into the daily school routine and figuring out how best to maximize our time both inside and outside of the classroom, let us keep the needs of the children who sit before us as our top priority. I strongly believe that if we are able to do this, we will find the answers and more to the questions above. They may not be easy ones and will ultimately require hard work, patience, and perseverance.

What will you do today?

Sometimes it takes a radical action of just one person to initiate change. Think of our leaders both past and present. They made an unwavering decision to fight for the greater good. Just like Marva Collins and Ron Clark, let us never give up hope especially when hope seems elusive but persevere like Mr. Cohen in Front of the Class despite the odds.

Have yourselves a FABULOUS week!


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