We live in a fast paced world which thrives on immediate results. Information can be transmitted in mere seconds and results are expected in a similar manner. In most cases the needs of people who are involved in the process are often forgotten!
It is indeed a harsh realization. The people who are instrumental in making things happen despite hardships and challenges are overlooked and the focus becomes increased productivity, accountability, and results.
This is no different in the schools! Teachers are demanded to give more time and effort to their craft without the proper supports. They may also work in situations where their creativity is stifled and there is no hope for true professional development. However, they are and will be held accountable! Ultimately this leads to frustration, anger, teacher burnout, and low morale which will significantly impact success.
How can we strive to change this?
The answer lies in the way we treat and value people. It is imperative that people's needs are considered when decisions are made that will affect the work that they are expected to do. It's all about GIVING!
In creating an atmosphere of giving and relationships based on trust and respect we will realize the magically powers we possess in transforming our circumstances and realizing not only our common goals but those personal as well. It is in the giving that we receive.
As we prepare for this holiday season let us remember that It's All About Giving!