Sunday, September 20, 2015


AAAhhh the lies we tell ourselves.......

It's so great to be back! Really? I started working on this blog during the summer. I thought that I would have long days just languishing around not doing much but was I in for a surprise!

I made the mistake of coming up with a schedule and a list of things that I'd like to accomplish. This list suddenly ballooned. I got myself in a situation where I had to prioritize. One of my biggest lesson this summer was learning to let's ok not to be in control all the time. Isn't that what summer should be about for us educators?

In fact, I had the greatest lessons too. I found out that I learned more in a relaxed state. I was able to truly make connections between what I taught and the real world that were powerful. I have gained a much better insight into how students learn and how to help them better by thinking outside of the box. Most of all I have rediscovered who I am as a learner and is determined to help my students do the same.

I am more invigorated and excited about this year. Like Will Smith in Men In Black, let us not give reigns to our curiosity but use it to guide us as we do what we love....TEACH......despite the prevailing conditions.

How was your summer?

Have a Great Week!



  1. Hi! I enjoyed reading your blog and plan to continue to do so! Your passion for real education is so evident and infectious. I feel very privileged to have worked with you!

    Peace and Blessings!

  2. Thank you! Hope you have a great year!
