Tuesday, June 23, 2015


As the school year comes to a close, final exams are being administered. Students are also preparing for state exams at the high school level and the jitters about passing or failing becomes a reality. How do we help those who have not been doing as well as they should have during the year to pass? Conversely, how can we help those who have been trying their best to do the right thing but end up failing anyway? Why bother?

This is a question that comes to mind at the end of a marking period, semester, and the school year. Why bother? For some teachers, this would not be an issue if students were paying attention, completing homework, taking advantage of all available services outside of the classroom such as tutoring and prep classes. Whereas students feel overwhelmed with all the expectations both in and out of school that they feel that giving up is their best option. How do we change this paradigm? Is there something that we all can do to create a win win situation? Can we set each other up for success?

It's the end of the year so why bother? 

Taking the time to reflect on this question can give us insights into both teacher and student practices that can be used to inform instruction in the future. Did we differentiate enough, offered multiple entry points in our lessons, provided scaffolds? Were assignments challenging, timely, and fair? How did the school support the teaching/learning process? What can be done differently? Why did students not take advantage of the opportunities presented to them? Carefully examining the answers to these questions is critical.

Consequently, this end of year reflection will result in a plan of action that not only inspires and motivates but will empower you to become better at your art. Additionally, "thinking outside of the box" will provide a more enhanced instructional environment. 


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